Become a Seer for the Ages....

Are you ready to awaken your inner wisdom and embrace the transformative energy of the Divine Feminine? This Divine Feminine Seership class invites you on a mystical journey where ancient wisdom meets modern intuition. Dive deep into sacred practices that will help you heal your heart, unlock your third eye, and connect with powerful goddess archetypes. Imagine accessing profound insights into health, wealth, and love while channeling the nurturing and empowering energies of the Divine Feminine. Whether you're seeking to enhance your intuitive abilities or to enrich your spiritual path, this class promises a journey of deep self-discovery and empowerment. Step into your divine potential and let the sacred feminine guide you to new realms of spiritual awakening!


Learn how to safely open your third eye and connect to the spiritual realm and to loving spirits who will guide you to the answers you've been seeking.


This class include several occult techniques include smoke scrying, water scrying, crystal scrying, and word magic to enhance your spiritual sight.


Seership comes from the higher mind and from the heart. The first half of the class involves healing the heart and tapping into the heart for messages for self love and self empowerment.

Connect to the Goddess Archetypes

What type of seer are you?? In this class you will connect with the goddess archetypes including the Great Mother, the Maiden, the Wise Woman, the Warrior, the Queen, the Priestess, and more to determine your seer attributes and strengths. In this class we will connect with the Goddess Isis, Athena, Artemis, Ix Chel, Cerridwen, Mother Mary, and more from the Divine Feminine realm to guide your journey.

Explore New Realms as a Seer

In this class, you will embark on a transformative journey through ancient and celestial realms using guided seership techniques. Participants will explore the mystic landscapes of Ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece, tapping into the profound divine feminine wisdom and energies of these historic civilizations. Each session will be tailored to unlock insights from these revered cultures, offering a deeper connection to their spiritual heritage. Additionally, you will voyage into the celestial realms, connecting with the Pleiades star cluster, to gain cosmic perspectives and guidance. This multidimensional exploration aims to expand your spiritual sight and foster personal growth by integrating ancient wisdom with celestial insights.

Example Curriculum

  Module One - What is Seership? Week One
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Alchemical Heart Healing + Energy Work Week Two
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Three - Methodology and Practice Week Three
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Four - Methodology and Practice Week Four
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Five - Methodology and Practice- Week Five
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Embodying Divine Feminine Archetypes Week Six
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Seven - Methodology and Practice - Week Seven
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Eight - Week Eight
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Final Week: Week Nine
Available in days
days after you enroll

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